Sunday, 30 March 2014

The Lily With The Crooked Stem

Over at my website, I am crowing over progress made and worrying myself hairless over the fact I can't actually think of anything resembling a plot for this book...

Oh, and this is the Lily with the crooked stem. Wonderful description.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

The delicious tickle of a scarab's legs

Over at my website   I am waxing very poetic about the ticklish qualities of a scarab's feet. Come and be tickled, too.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Pushing baby out of the nest

I feel a little light headed this morning.
Partly, of course, because Spring is springing away madly – warm sunshine in grimy old London today, folks – and this time of year always fills me with hope and purpose, and I want to get on and do things. The sap must be rising, or something.
But mostly I’m light headed and happy because ten minutes ago I took the plunge, and submitted Gyrfalcon to a publisher –  a mainstream SF publisher, as it happens. Because the Shield series is genre sci fi and an intense love story where the characters just happen to be gay, and is not m/m romance as that genre is currently defined, I’ve decided to try my luck with trad publishing. I suspect that Shield will still be impossible to place into a neat genre, and that for reason (irrespective of the publisher thinking I suck!) I am not exactly hopeful here. It’s also an odd set up in that I won’t get a rejection letter, just silence.  So in four months, if I’ve heard nothing, I can assume they don’t want it. So, check back here on… counts on fingers…  29 June, and I will probably be lamenting. But I have to take the plunge, right? If you never try it, there’s no possibility.
And in spring, I’m all for possibilities. Sap rising, remember?
Happy Spring Sunday to you all.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

FREEBIE: Download FlashWired for free. Limited time only!

Rainbow Book Reviews said of my novella,  FlashWIred: “This book took my breath away.” And “The thing is, the story is a really good one: great science fiction combined with a deeply emotional love story. Some of it was mind-bending and gruesome, and I cannot say it was a comfortable read. But it was a great read...

Between 2  - 8 March, you can find out why for FREE.
For this next week, FlashWired is free at Smashwords only, as part of the promotion of “Read an eBook Week”. All you have to do is click on the link here or on the cover photo above to get to the FlashWired page, and when you get to the checkout, quote code RW100.
And FlashWired will be yours, for nothing.
I hope you take me up on the offer and that you enjoy FlashWired. If you’d like to leave a review, I’d be delighted but it certainly isn’t obligatory and nor is it obligatory to be anything other than totally honest if you do review.
I should warn you that the two chapters that you get with the novella from Gyrfalcon, the first of the Shield books, have changed since I published FlashWired.  Gyrfalcon will be available soon. Watch this space!!

There are literally hundreds of books on offer this week at  Smashwords. Click on the logo to go to their promotion page and check out the other books available free, or heavily discounted.